Below are a few frequently asked questions and links to the solutions of these questions. Search through them to find your question and then follow the link below it to the solution to that problem. As always if you have any other question or your question is not in our list, either send us the question from our contact form and we'll get back with you as soon as possible or feel free to give us a call.
How do I change my user code for my system?
It depends on the type of system that you have. Follow the link below and then click on the keypad picture that looks like yours and it will take you to the page that has a quick link on how to change your user code.
How do I bypass a zone on my system?
It depends on the type of system that you have. Follow the link below and then click on the keypad picture that looks like yours and it will take you to the page that has a quick link on how to bypass a zone on your system.
Why aren't my doors or windows chiming anymore?
It depends on the type of system that you have. Follow the link below and then click on the keypad picture that looks like yours and it will take you to the page that has a quick link on how to turn your chime back on.
I've forgotten my username and password for remote services.
This could be for your interactive remote services for your alarm system or for your camera system. Simply go to the Forms Support page and fill out the form. Once you provide us with your account password and email address we will email you the last username and password we have on file or reset it for you.
How can I update my password or contact list?
If you would like to update your account password (or can't remember it) or would like to update any information on your account, just go to the Forms Support page and download the Central Station Update Form and sign it at the bottom and fax or email it to us and we'll get your account updated.